IDE Celebrates International Women's Day

In light of International Women’s Day on Sunday, we sat down and had a chat with three female members of the IDE Family about all things equality, product development and career advice. IDE boasts above industry standards for women in engineering, we’re here to share what value this holds to our projects and workplace culture alike.

IDE: What does this year’s IWD slogan ‘An equal world is an enabled world’ mean to you?

Kirrily: The are proven benefits of having a truly diverse group of people in different teams- especially within the product development sphere. This diversity is only truly enabled when there is as broad as possible representation of all groups. This obviously includes gender, but also backgrounds, opinions and cultures. I think it’s important to encourage this diversity and allow healthy conflicts, this is what makes IDE’s outcomes as great as they are.

Rachael: Being enabled to me means having equal access to education and the same privileges for everybody. I remember Richard (Richard Sokolov, Managing Director) explaining cross-functional teams in a recent presentation. Being part of an XFT means constantly sharing knowledge, which then links back to everyone here has an equal opportunity to learn from one another.

Ariella: The slogan to me means gender equality, to help improve not only the community but the economy and everyone’s overall wellbeing. We’re able to achieve this by challenging stereotypes and preconceptions.

IDE: If you were to tell yourself something when you chose your career path, what would it be?

Kirrily: I would tell myself not to worry so much. I know people that have 5 or 10-year plans, but I feel like you always have to allow yourself flexibility, this allows for opportunities and other awesome things to come our way that may send us off in a different direction. Worry about the small stuff less. Focus on the journey and appreciate the ‘pain/passion’ balance that comes with product development.

Rachael: To believe in myself and my ability more. If I was 16 or 18 again, I would say to myself dream bigger! These days the world is a woman’s oyster in comparison to when I was younger. Dream big.

Ariella: To choose something that you’re really passionate about, not what your parents or society tells you to do! Don’t let people’s opinions influence your decisions.

IDE: Finally, what is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about a career in Product Development?

Kirrily: I think if it’s an area that you enjoy- go for it. Learning in new areas and creating new things is definitely a rewarding thing to do. You are able to look back on a completed project and see a product that has ultimately changed people’s lives. There’s a perception that product development is full of documents and calculations, but it’s not, it’s full of creative problem solving, workshops and delving deep into a meaningful issue.

Rachael: In this day and age, young girls have so many opportunities, I would tell them to take full advantage of those! I would say that whilst education is a privilege so enjoy that privilege and be prepared to test the boundaries and accept the challenges that come your way. Being exposed to that kind of thing will make you stronger and provide better outcomes for projects. IDE say ‘don’t expect that you won’t make mistakes’ I think that’s really important- our focus on how we learn from those mistakes is what matters! Don’t shy from a career just because you may be challenged, accept the challenge and reap the rewards!

Ariella: I think it’s an exciting career to pursue, not only the technical stuff but you also develop really valuable interpersonal skills that you use with clients and colleagues alike.

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